Have a Happier Monday

The “Monday Blues” is a real thing. It’s that sense of sadness you feel waking up at the beginning of the week after a long, relaxing weekend, where you know you’ll have a week filled with stress and panic.

You’ve built up the idea that the whole week is basically going to suck, and you go into the week with a negative attitude. So how do you get over the Monday Blues? You change your attitude.

But first…

Start with coffee

Coffee in an IV

Seriously, coffee is a lifesaver. That small burst of caffeine in the morning can bring you out of your morning rut and allow you to get yourself to a better place.

Dress nicely

Fancy Dress Dance

Wear something bright and fancy that makes you feel like a million bucks. What you wear affects your mood. If you wear sweatpants, you’re going to want to sit on the couch, binge Netflix and eat Cheetos all day. If you wear a nice button down and a crisp pair of pants, you’re going to start your day off with an extra bit of happiness.

Make a pump-up playlist

Amy Schumer Dance

Music has an extremely positive effect on your brain. Listen to it while you get ready in the morning, and when you get to work. It’s a quick way to boost your mood and make you more productive for the rest of the day.

Make a plan for the week

Honey I Shrunk the Kids Relax

That pile of work sitting in front of you may seem daunting, but it’s not, really. It’s all about perspective. Make a plan. Start with a plan for the day and then spread it across the week. Plan out blocks of time for certain tasks and try and stick to it. Having a plan will make the week seem less impossible.

Plan a nice lunch

Spongebob Eat

This will give you something to look forward to. Choose your favorite sushi restaurant or grilled cheese place. Make it something good. Don’t choose a salad just so you can stick to your diet—that won’t make you any happier.

Take a walk

Sound of Music

Take a ten-minute break and get some fresh air. Remind yourself that there is life outside of your cubicle or outside of the library. Get some sun, look at the flowers, enjoy your time.

Work on a rewards system


Every time you complete a task, give yourself a reward. Every time you meet a deadline, have a cookie or take a break. Whatever you want out of your day, make it happen.

Avoid social media

Family Guy Facebook

Don’t reminisce about last weekend’s fun by repeatedly looking through a photo album and don’t linger on something embarrassing you did at Saturday night’s party. Don’t Facebook stalk your ex or your crush. Focus on you—not on everyone else.

Drink Water

Donald Trump Water Bottle

You’re probably still dehydrated from the weekend and you may not be feeling 100%. Water will help bring you back to life.

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